
Find Your New Teaching Job in the United States

We locate the best teachers globally to teach in classrooms across the United States!

Trusted by Schools in



At Talzent, we specialize in bridging the gap between schools in need of skilled educators and passionate teachers from diverse backgrounds and cultures.


With a commitment to excellence, we facilitate the recruitment and placement of international teachers, bringing fresh perspectives and enriching experiences to American classrooms.

What Our Educators Say

Our educators found their dream job. Let’s hear their inspiring stories and the difference they’re making in classrooms across the United States.

Teaching in the United States has been my dream for a few years. I learned about Talzent through my previous school and I gave it a go.

I’m happy that I did because they helped me with training and support. I have received a teaching offer in Florida and I’ve here making my dream come true.

Surajita Hazarika

The process was very quick for me from interview to offer. I am now here in the US making a difference in the lives of students in Florida, USA.

Thank you to Talzent for making my dream come true.

Vamsi Daruri

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Talzent for their professionalism, expertise, and unwavering support.

I am grateful for the positive impact Talzent has had on my career trajectory. I wouldn’t be here teaching in the United States without Talzent!

Crystaline Butt

I started looking for companies who place teachers in the US, but they all had a few shortcomings. And then, I found Talzent!

It has been three months since I have arrived in US and Talzent is still there with us providing all the support we need.

Mimi Kabanda

The key for me was training. Talzent’s training program is aimed at bringing out the best in you as a teacher. Rest assured that you will do your best in the interview.

I just arrived to the United States this week and I’m excited to begin my career here!

Caroline Chila

Talzent emerged as a guiding light for me, when I was facing a dilemma about looking for a teaching job in the US.

The support and insights they offered empowered me to interview and get accepted by a wonderful school in the US and i’m here now!

Agnel Reddy

Talzent Your Right Partner

We focus on elevating educators worldwide. This is your gateway to unlocking your greatest potential for your next opportunity.



Exploring New Horizons

Our latest thinking.

Join the Pool

Apply to Talzent’s pool. Our goal is to find talented and specialized educators who are looking to make a difference in the lives of students.